Reseller Account

Navigating Reseller Account Limits with MojoCP

Understanding the boundaries of your reseller plan is crucial for effective account management. MojoCP provides Reseller Account Limits to empower you in overseeing your reseller activities

Wowza Reseller Account Limits
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Reseller Server Limits
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Here's a breakdown of what these limits entail:

Experience efficiency and customization at your fingertips with MojoCP suite of enhanced features.

a: Service Limit:
Definition: The maximum number of accounts allowed for your plan.
Purpose: Ensures plan compliance and proper functionality of all accounts.

b: Slots (Viewers) Limit:

Definition: The maximum concurrent viewers for your streaming plan.
Purpose: Guarantees optimal streaming server performance for quality viewer experiences.

c: Traffic Limit:

Definition: The maximum monthly data transfer limit in megabytes (MB).
Purpose: Tracks and manages data transfer to prevent exceeding set limits.

d: Total of the Assigned Plans Disk Space:

Definition: The cumulative disk space assigned to all plans under your reseller account.
Purpose: Provides an overview of the total disk space allocation for effective resource planning

e: Disk Space Limit (Current):

Definition: The maximum disk space consumption for your account.
Purpose: Monitors and controls disk space usage, encompassing all account data.

f: Bandwidth Limit:

Definition: The maximum monthly bandwidth limit in megabytes (MB).
Purpose: Regulates bandwidth usage to prevent exceeding monthly allocations.

g: Data Transfer Limit:

Definition: The maximum monthly data transfer limit in megabytes (MB).
Purpose: Manages data transfer, ensuring compliance with monthly limits.

- Streaming Pulse Inc.
Reseller Account
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Reseller Account Limits

By vigilantly monitoring and adhering to these limits, including the cumulative disk space of assigned plans, you can guarantee the seamless operation of your account without interruptions.

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