(SLA) Enhancement.

SLA Service Level Agreement.

» Service Level Agreement (SLA) Definitions:
This SLA applies to services explicitly referenced in the agreement with StreamingPulse Inc. Its purpose is to document the availability objectives that StreamingPulse Inc. aims to achieve. It represents a commitment assumed by StreamingPulse Inc. towards the client, without imposing additional liability. All services are covered by our SLA relevant to your specific service, providing your exclusive remedies for issues affecting service delivery.
We agree to provide the remedies and credits outlined in the SLA, and you agree to refer to it solely for covered issues. StreamingPulse Inc. offers service credits to the client under the conditions described below if the defined availability is not met.

» SLA General:
Streaming Pulse Inc. guarantees an availability of 99.9% in any calendar month, subject to exclusions as defined below. In case of failure to meet this guarantee, a credit shall be available to the client as described further. The availability calculation excludes periods of outages caused by reasons other than faults by StreamingPulse Inc., including client faults or negligence, issues associated with client-side equipment, periods reported by the client with no confirmed fault, service suspension as per this Agreement, and Scheduled Maintenance affecting the services.
Neither party is obligated to fulfill any obligation under this Agreement in the event of a Force Majeure event.

» Compensation Calculations:
- A. (60 Minutes or more) - If the client lacks access to the defined services for 60 minutes or more, StreamingPulse Inc. shall credit the client 0.3 days of service.
- B. (120 Minutes or more) - If the client lacks access to the defined services for 120 minutes or more, StreamingPulse Inc. shall credit the client 0.7 days of service.
- C. (1440 Minutes or more) - If the client lacks access to the defined services for 1440 minutes or more, StreamingPulse Inc. shall credit the client 30 days of service.

» Planned Outages:
The target availability of the streaming service is 24/7. System maintenance necessitating a service outage will be scheduled preferably outside of daytime business hours, and appropriate notice will be provided. Participants will be informed by email at least three (3) business days in advance of planned outages requiring an outage of one hour or more to implement enhancements or changes.

» Credit Request and Payment Procedures:
The client is not entitled to any credits under this SLA if any payment for the services is overdue. Credits are subject to the client notifying StreamingPulse Inc. within 7 days in writing. The client acknowledges that service credits under this SLA constitute its sole remedy against StreamingPulse Inc. for any service non-availability.

Past revisions SLA Conditions
Version: C-3298S
Date: 07/09/2024
Revised Section (-A -B -C)

» Contacting us: If there are any questions, you may contact us using the information below.

Have any question?
Free 1 855-22-PULSE (78573)
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3495 Rebecca Street, Canada

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Streaming Pulse Inc.
3495 Rebecca Street,
L6L 6X9 Oakville Ontario.
  • legal@streamingpulse.com
  • Phone: +16473478886
  • Toll Free: 1855 22 PULSE (78573)