SAM Broadcaster Encoder

SAM Broadcaster Encoder

How to set up your Encoder with SAM Broadcaster

Sam broadcaster allows you to stream your audio in MP3, aacPlus, and MP3pro formats, while aacPlus provides the best sound quality at lower bitrates.

Once you’ve chosen the format you would like to stream in, you can set up your encoder. To do this, open SAM Broadcaster and follow these steps:

Step 1:

Click on “Desktop B” in the tool-bar.
In the “Encoders” window, click the plus sign (“+”) to add a new encoder.
Select the MP3 (Lame-ENC)
Click “OK”. The encoder window will pop-up.

Sam Broadcaster ShoutCast encoder

Step 2:

In the “Converter” Tab Setting
Select the Bitrate of your Streaming Plan
Mode: Stereo
Sampling Rate: Auto
General Option: Check the box Auto Start encoder after (“5 seconds”)
Auto Reconnect Encoder: (“15 seconds”)

Sam Broadcaster ShoutCast encoder

Step 3:

In the “Server Details” Tab Setting select ShoutCast or Icecast.
For Shoutcast: Check-mark V2
Server IP or Host: Type in the stream IP or Host of your streaming server (You should have all the server details from the Streaming Pulse Email)
Server Port: Your streaming Port
Password: Your Source Password
SID: Set this to “1”
Station Name: Define the name of your station.
Genere: Select the type of music you are playing.
Web Site URL: Type the URL of your web site.
Once you’ve configured all your settings, click “OK” to close the Encoder window and your encoder should connect automatically.

Sam Broadcaster ShoutCast encoder

Step 4:

For Icecast In the “Server Details” Tab Setting select Icecast
For Icecast Check-mark Icecast 2.
Server IP or Host: Type in the stream IP or Host of your streaming server (You should have all the server details from the Streaming Pulse Email)
Server Port: Your Streaming Port
Username: source
Password: Your Source Password
Mount point: /stream or /live

Sam Broadcaster IceCast2 encoder

SAM Broadcaster Video Tutorial:

This tutorial walks you through on how to set up your Encoder with SAM Broadcaster.

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