Wowza Video Referer Validate

Referer Validate

Referrer Validate offers you enhanced control over your application's access by validating the referring domain through Wowza Streaming Engine. By entering specific domain names representing the websites where you intend to publish your videos, you can restrict the player's access exclusively to these designated sites.

Whether it's or, Referrer Validate ensures that your content is securely accessed only from the approved web domains you specify. This feature adds an extra layer of security and customization to your streaming experience.

Configure Referer Validate in MojoCP:

This feature adds an extra layer of security and customization to your streaming experience.

Step 1
Begin by accessing "Services" from your dashboard and selecting your designated server.
Step 2
Navigate to the "Plugins Tab" and then proceed to "Source Security." Within the "Plugins Tab," scroll down to locate the "Referer Validate" option.
Step 3
Input the desired domain or multiple domains you wish to use to lock the player, for instance, *,*
Step 4
Click "Update" to save the changes.
Step 5
Head to the "Web Player Tab," select your preferred video player, copy the embed code, and seamlessly place it on your webpage wherever you'd like the Video Player to appear. This straightforward process ensures secure and customized access to your streaming content.

- Streaming Pulse Inc.

Streaming Security

Refine your streaming security with Referer Validate. This feature allows you to control access to your application by validating the referring domain with Wowza Streaming Engine using MojoCP Platform. Simply enter the domain names of the websites where you'll publish your video to restrict player access to these specified sites.

Wowza Video Streaming Referer Validate
Click for an enlarged view.

Referer Validate

Elevate your streaming security using Referer Validate. This tool empowers you to manage application access by validating the referring domain through Wowza Streaming Engine Using MojoCP Platform.

Quick Tutorial Video

Dive into our video tutorial for a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on configuring Referer Validate.

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