Source Security
A Source Security account serves as the authentication mechanism for establishing secure connections from sources to live applications.
Configuration Steps: Source Security
Step 1
Access the "Services" section from your dashboard and choose the designated server.
Navigate to the "Plugins Tab" and scroll down to find "Source Security" under the available options.RTMP Sources:
- Open (no authentication required)
- Require password authentication
- RTMP publishing not allowed
RTSP Sources
- Open (no authentication required)
- Require password authentication
- RTSP publishing not allowed
Duplicate Stream Names:
- Reject a second stream with the same name that's published to this application
RTMP Sources
Effectively manage source connections to your application via the RTMP protocol, such as those from RTMP-based encoders. By default, the "Require password authentication" option is chosen to enhance connection security.
Opt for "Open" to allow RTMP-based sources to connect without authentication, or choose "RTMP publishing not allowed" to block all connections from RTMP-based sources.
RTSP Sources
Efficiently control source connections to your application using the RTSP/RTP protocol, particularly from encoders initiating connections through the RTSP Announce method. The "Require password authentication" option is selected by default for added security.
Opt for "Open" to permit RTSP-based sources to connect without authentication, or select "RTSP publishing not allowed" to restrict all connections from RTSP-based sources.
Duplicate Stream Names
Prevent the publication of a new RTMP stream with the same name if an existing RTMP stream is already published to the application. This option ensures that clients playing the initial stream won't switch to the new stream after publication. Choose wisely to control the continuity of your streaming content.
- Streaming Pulse Inc.
Live Source Security
Live Source Security Disable (RTMP). Unlock the full potential of your video sources by seamlessly disabling security authentication, making your streaming process smoother and more efficient.
Source Security feature
Enhance the security of your video source by disabling authentication through Source Security.
- RTMP Sources
- RTSP Sources
- Duplicate Stream Names
Quick Tutorial
Unlock the power of your live source connection by quickly and easily disabling security authentication for RTMP with our comprehensive tutorial. Streamline your process and ensure seamless broadcasting with Live Source Security disable.