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ShoutCAST IceCast

SHOUTcast Hosting Services

SHOUTcast is a powerful and widely-used platform for internet radio broadcasting, offering broadcasters the tools they need to create and manage online radio stations. Developed by Nullsoft, SHOUTcast provides a comprehensive solution that allows broadcasters to stream audio content over the internet to a global audience.

One of the key features of SHOUTcast is its versatility in supporting various audio formats, making it accessible for broadcasters to deliver music, talk shows, podcasts, and more. The platform's user-friendly interface and robust streaming capabilities enable broadcasters to easily schedule playlists, manage live broadcasts, and monitor listener statistics.

SHOUTcast supports both live broadcasting and playlist automation, giving broadcasters the flexibility to create engaging programming tailored to their audience. The platform also offers customizable player options, allowing broadcasters to embed SHOUTcast players on their websites for seamless playback.

With SHOUTcast, broadcasters can reach a diverse audience and engage listeners with high-quality audio experiences. The platform's popularity and reputation in the internet radio community make it a preferred choice for both novice and experienced broadcasters.

Introducing our new plan, HOT Deals! Stream your music online with Shoutcast starting from $30/year. Whether you're a seasoned broadcaster or just starting out, our plan offers affordable and flexible options to showcase your passion. Get started today and learn more about how you can amplify your voice and reach a global audience!

Whether you're a seasoned broadcaster, a prominent media publisher, or just starting out, our tailored products are crafted to meet your unique needs.

AIO Player Preroll Radio Vast

Software features

Start your own radio station today! With our easy-to-use platform, you can create and customize your radio station in minutes.

  • SHOUTCast Icecast AIO Radio Player
  • Centova Cast Total control over your streaming
  • Introducing Radio Video VAST Tag
  • Audio Software for Your Radio Station
Free Trial - Try before I buy

Indeed! Our platform provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies monetization with Pre-Roll Video VAST Ads. Simply upload your ad content, and our sophisticated technology takes care of the rest. These ads seamlessly integrate into your streams, enhancing the listening experience with captivating video content that perfectly complements your broadcasts. Keep your audience engaged and captivated while unlocking new revenue streams through compelling video ads.

Indeed! Our platform provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies monetization with Pre-Roll Video VAST Ads. Simply upload your ad content, and our sophisticated technology takes care of the rest. These ads seamlessly integrate into your streams, enhancing the listening experience with captivating video content that perfectly complements your broadcasts. Keep your audience engaged and captivated while unlocking new revenue streams through compelling video ads.

Enjoy the flexibility to broadcast in MP3 or AAC formats, supporting bitrates of up to 320kbps. Please note that uploaded tracks must be in MP3 format for compatibility. For optimal results, we recommend using stereo files encoded at a quality rate of 192Kbps.

Absolutely! We offer comprehensive technical support for all our server packages, available around the clock. Our dedicated support team is accessible 24/7/365 via live chat, phone, and email channels. Your satisfaction and peace of mind are our top priorities, and we're committed to assisting you whenever you need us.