Watch OnDemand Video

On-demand video page integration

Revolutionize your video content sharing with our OnDemand video page integration – the ideal solution for embedding videos on your website. Tailor the page to align with your brand identity by uploading a custom logo and choosing a personalized OnDemand name that resonates with your business. This 100% customizable integration empowers you to effortlessly link your social media pages to your video content.

This integration not only simplifies video consumption for your audience but also ensures a seamless viewing experience that captivates and retains viewers' attention. By customizing the page to your preferences, you can ensure that the OnDemand video page mirrors your brand aesthetics, maintaining consistency across your website.

In essence, our OnDemand video page integration serves as an exceptional platform to showcase your video content, delivering a user-friendly and branded viewing experience for your audience. Elevate your video-sharing capabilities and leave a lasting impression on your viewers with this versatile integration.

VOD Ondemand Web Page
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Wowza MojoCP Video Vod Ondemand Web
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Unlock the potential of our OnDemand Integration with these straightforward steps, allowing you to effortlessly establish a personalized OnDemand web page adorned with your branding and social media links. Seamless integration becomes a reality as you embed your OnDemand page onto your website using the provided iFrame code, ensuring easy access for your audience to discover and enjoy your video content.

Here's how to do it:

Step 1
Navigate to your overview page and click on the OnDemand tab.
Step 2
Choose the OnDemand Page option.
Step 3
Under OnDemand Web page settings, select your logo (max size: 512×512 pixels).
Step 4
Define a compelling title for your OnDemand broadcast page.
Step 5
Integrate your social media presence by linking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.
Step 6
Preview your VOD web page by clicking the “View Web Page” button.
Step 7
Once satisfied with the appearance, an iFrame code will be generated for you.
Step 8
Simply copy and paste the iFrame code onto your webpage, precisely where you want the OnDemand page to make its impactful appearance.


- Streaming Pulse Inc.

OnDemand Category

Uncover the versatility of our OnDemand page with its standout features. A focal point is our Category Tab, empowering you to navigate effortlessly and discover video content tailored to specific categories. Whether you crave music, educational content, or something unique, our category tab provides a comprehensive selection, making content exploration quick and seamless.

Adding to the user-friendly experience, our OnDemand page boasts a robust search function. This powerful tool enables you to search for specific videos using keywords or phrases, offering a refined way to locate the content that resonates with you. Dive into a world of content discovery made simple with MojoCP's OnDemand page, where both category navigation and precise searching converge for an enriched viewing experience.

VOD Integration
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Watch OnDemand Video

Our integration page offers a seamless solution to showcase your video content directly on your website, ensuring effortless access for your community, even if they missed it elsewhere.

Quick Guide

Explore the simplicity of integrating OnDemand videos into your platform by checking out our comprehensive tutorial. This brief video guide provides step-by-step instructions, empowering you to seamlessly incorporate OnDemand video content onto your website.

Posted in On Demand VideoTags

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