Application Control

Effortless Application Management

Simplify your workflow with these user-friendly buttons, designed to empower you in managing your applications seamlessly. Note: Integration with CRM platforms like WHMCS is automatic, adding an extra layer of efficiency to your operations. Streamline your tasks and take control with MojoCP.

Wowza Application Management
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Reseller Service Buttons
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Effortless Operation Management with MojoCP Service Buttons:

Maximize your control over applications with the convenient operation buttons available in MojoCP. Whether you're initiating, halting, restarting, suspending, unsuspending, or deleting services, streamline your workflow with these step-by-step guides:

Start Service:

  1. Log in to your MojoCP reseller account.
  2. Navigate to the "Services" tab from the main menu.
  3. Select the desired application(s) by checking the box next to them.
  4. Click the "Start" button to launch the application.

Stop Service:

  1. Log in to your MojoCP reseller account.
  2. Head to the "Services" tab in the main menu.
  3. Choose the application(s) to stop by checking the respective boxes.
  4. Click the "Stop" button to halt the application.

Restart Service:

  1. Log in to your MojoCP reseller account.
  2. Visit the "Services" tab from the main menu.
  3. Select the application(s) for restart by checking the box next to them.
  4. Click the "Restart" button to initiate the application.

Suspend Service:

  1. Log in to your MojoCP reseller account.
  2. Access the "Services" tab in the main menu.
  3. Pick the application(s) to suspend by checking the boxes.
  4. Click the "Suspend" button to pause the application.

Unsuspend Service:

  1. Log in to your MojoCP reseller account.
  2. Navigate to the "Services" tab from the main menu.
  3. Select the application(s) to unsuspend by checking the boxes.
  4. Click the "Unsuspend" button to resume the application.

Delete Service:

  1. Log in to your MojoCP reseller account.
  2. Click on the "Services" tab from the main menu.
  3. Choose the application(s) to delete by checking the boxes.
  4. Click the "Delete" button to remove the application.

Note: Integration with CRM platforms like WHMCS is automatic, simplifying these operations for enhanced efficiency.

- Streaming Pulse Inc.
Application Control
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Seamless Application Control

Master the art of application management with MojoCP user-friendly service buttons. From starting, stopping, and restarting services to suspending, unsuspending, or deleting applications, these step-by-step guides empower you to effortlessly navigate your reseller tasks.

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