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Android Radio App

Android - Mobile APP
Android App includes
100% White label
Up to 5 Stations
Track display
Recently played
Cover Art
Alarm Sleep Timer
Social Share & Contribution
Add-ons available
Android Auto
Unlimited Push Notifications
Video Streaming
Admin Multi Radio TV Station (Contact Us)
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Additional Information
(required fields are marked with *)
Max 12 Characters - eg: My App Name
eg. +1 333 444 5555
Here is an Example of how you should write a Description for your App: -- My Radio Name is Queens County Community Radio. We are a community radio station serving the Queens County area in Nova Scotia. We broadcast an eclectic mix of pop, rock, 60's, 70's, 80's, country, classical, blues, gospel, and spoken word name it, we've got it! My Radio Name is proud to be "the voice of Queens County."
eg. http://streamip:1935/live/live/playlist.m3u8